Cocker Spaniel puppies in Wattala - Cocker Spaniel first litter Pavo given wormed and healthy pups. 2 females and 3 males - Nisansala

Cocker Spaniel puppies for sale in Wattala

for sale by Nisansala , Apr/18 15:01pm, Wattala
  • Cocker Spaniel puppies Pets in Wattala
  • Cocker Spaniel puppies Pets in Wattala
  • Cocker Spaniel puppies Pets in Wattala
  • Cocker Spaniel puppies Pets in Wattala
Rs. 11000

Location : Wattala
Since : 2017-12-29

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  • Negotiable
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    Cocker Spaniel first litter Pavo given wormed and healthy pups. 2 females and 3 males

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